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Saturday, December 1, 2012

About Us

Learn about photography and all the buttons and gadgets and learn how to edit photos through APPs and software. Locally members will be able to shadow a professional photographer.

If you'd like to sign up, just email me so I could add you to the people that can post. Signing up means that you'll hang out with us and do our weekly assignments and post the photos you took. Up to you if you want to do before and afters and share how you did it.

This is a learning website for homeschoolers. No head-bashing or meanness allowed. Just be cool and respect others and above all don't forget the Golden Rule. Absolutely no nudity or profanity allowed on any posts or comments. Yeah, I'll delete you if you break the rules.

To join this community and posts you must have permission from your parents and register. You will need a gmail account. Email your info to

All that said, have fun with this. I hope you all find your art medium and hopefully it will be photography! You never know!

-Donna Cartwright

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Assignment 001

Assignments are done weekly.  Like a newspaper, I'll assign you what to photograph and it's up to you how you want to do it.  Use any kind of camera...I use my iPhone and edit using APPs.

Include in your posts what camera & software you used.

This is ART so express yourself! 

Feel free to send me suggestions for assignments at 

Your first assignment should you choose to accept it is to photograph something that is MONUMENTAL!  I'll let you define what that is to you and explain it in your post.

This message will self destruct in 10 seconds!  Bwahahaahaa!

Post like this:

Photograher: Donna Cartwright
Subject: Great Arch
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Hardware: iPhone 4s
Software: Tadaa App

Comments: This is amazing architecture I had to capture! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This is a Club for Homeschoolers interested in Photography.